
arcange is behind hivesql, and anyx runs a decent api node for running dapps. These two provide important services for dapps running on hive. Pretty sure it was arcange who started a bot, at his own expense, that countered the scammers that were abusive phishing memos with warning memos.

themarkymark does run a downvoting bot, but I think it is narrowly tailored to target abusers (spammers, ?ppl who copy n paste?). Does his blacklists have too many false positives?

I didn't see any of the names you mentioned on the informationwars discord "server" as problematic.

Perhaps you could reach out to them (arcange,anyx,themarkymark,curie) directly with a petition for the redress of grievances, if you haven't already.

here's an idea for a "free-speech" experiment.

take some or all of this post -

and include it in your next post.

then sit back and see what happens.