Tommy Robinson: Thats What Guns are For

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. All signs point to Tommy Robinson becoming a martyr with this most recent update to his situation.

For those who do not already know what is going on, Tommy Robinson has been imprisoned for speaking out against the narrative of the UK establishment, specifically in regards to the migrant crisis. While there were legitimate charges against him that he accepted, and his jailing was entirely lawful, the things he was speaking about were entirely true. Not only were they true, but they have been verified as true through the UK legal process as well.

As stated earlier he did still break some laws and for that he should be jailed, and thats where things get sticky. I agree fully with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he said,

“One has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”


I still believe that laws should be upheld by the establishment and the perpetrator should be jailed for breaking unjust laws if caught, at which point it become the peoples responsibility to make certain that laws are changed. This is what the second amendment is for in the United States of America.

Whenever one speaks about killing politicians or civil disobedience in regards to the second amendment they are typically seen as crazy by those who don't hold the same views but the fact of the matter is that you only own what you are able to defend. If you cant defend your rights and/or ideals then you do have them to begin with. The US takes care of this by constitutionally granting every citizen certain unalienable rights, but in countries such as the UK you don't have this same method.

Western nations take pride in the democratic system that allows the ability for the people to not have to resort to political violence. Working legal systems provide a system for the people to influence government without becoming violent but in the case of state corruption no matter how you look at it the people must be able to defend themselves. Otherwise submit to the oppressive authority.

Recently people in the Uk have begun rioting, which I love and give my full support. But at the same time I cant help but to shake my head as I think,

"If only they had guns in the UK"


I have written a post on the various misunderstandings about what has happened to Tommy Robinson. I hope you don't think I'm rude for linking to it.

I just realized I forgot to talk about what most recent update is

Hi @mlgcrypto

I generally liked your post, but I'm a little puzzled by
"Western nations take pride in the democratic system that allows the ability for the people to not have to resort to political violence."

On what planet is this?

RE "the most recent update," were you thinking of the transfer to the mostly Muslim prison? It's here.

Also, could you tell me the provenance of the photo? I may like to use it sometime.

RE "the most recent update," were you thinking of the transfer to the mostly Muslim prison?


I generally liked your post, but I'm a little puzzled by
"Western nations take pride in the democratic system that allows the ability for the people to not have to resort to political violence."

act like were better than people in countries where violence is the norm

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: FREE TOMMY
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