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RE: Healthy Brainwash: Vaccines save lives!

in #informationwar6 years ago

Again, no alternatives are offered.
Or are people seriously suggesting that NO vaccination is a serious alternative ?

And what statistics do you have to back up the fact that 'many kids have died after being vaccinated'. That statement itself is an invalid argument statistically !

How many children have NOT died after being vaccinated? Is there a geographical bias ? Are there any other contributing factors ? The dataset needed to produce some meaningful statistics is huge and there are no meaningful statistics linking huge numbers of childhood deaths or debilitating and chronic illness to vaccination.

Of course the manufacturers need to make money. Its a simple business model except emotion gets involved because its about health. Dont forget, the more they make, the more that gets spent on research and drug companies pay a lot of money to universities to conduct research. Yes, some of them make a lot of money, but not all of them and not always. Again, I ask you for an alternative ?

She is selfish, because she only cares about her cause and doesnt care one jot for parents of kids with autism for instance, some of whom are now piling guilt on themselves and blaming their kid's autism on their decision to vaccinate....She is also selfish because she is TELLING people not to vaccinate. In my original post, I said I'D made a decision based on my research, and I suggest to everyone to do their own, unbiased and objective reasearch..Im not telling anyone to do anything. Using emotional blackmail and accusing parents of 'playing russian roulette' with their babies lives is disgusting in the extreme. As the stats are in favour of NOT dying, to use her analogy, its the anti vax parents who are playing russian roulette.

And as for packaging and ingredient lists, they have to cover themselves against every even minutest possibilty, in the disgusting litigation led, blame everyone except yourself society of the USA, its all about covering your own arse.

Again, no comment on the measles example I gave.

I'm not saying there is zero link to possible death or autism, everything in life can cause side effects, we are all different and there is no 100%. Anyone can create links to anything with enough steps. No one is mentioning the huge and vast majority who haven't had any issues, and also don't have polio or measles and won't get cervical cancer.
The same 'big pharma' that produces cervical cancer vaccines also produces drugs to treat patients WITH cervical cancer..sooooooo they are costing themselves sales by selling the vaccines? As you can see, the economics are not as simple as the anti vaxxers like to present.

Ingredients debate, yet another logical fallacy as many of the ingredients used in vaccines that the anti vaxxers find objectionable are used in cosmetics ( is our next campaign against Big Lipstick?), or in the body as naturally occurring trace elements, formhaldahyde springs to mind as an example of this.

Finally, they tell us the number of children being diagnosed with autism is getting higher and higher....yes it is. Why ? because its being accepted and diagnosed more. Children have always been autistic as we know today, but 50 years ago, theyd have just been diagnosed as stupid or lazy or bad. So thats another common argument that doesnt stand up.

OK so, thats my point. Now, as I asked the previous poster and yourself, please offer us an alternative ?