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RE: GLOBAL COOLING! No, wait... GLOBAL WARMING!! Ah, um... CLIMATE CHANGE!!! Just be afraid & give us more power!

in #informationwar2 years ago (edited)

A well researched and clearly presented article in my opinion. One mention is that the links to the Corbett Report videos are broken and you would do well either linking directly from his web site or odysee where a backup of all of his videos now reside.

The big question for me is what is causing the arctic ice and glacial melts. The fact that glaciers are receding and that the arctic ice pack is diminishing cannot be denied. If the atmospheric CO2 levels is not rising to dangerous levels to cause this then what is melting the northern ice caps? Or is the point to be made, here, more that climate change is underway however the cause is not entirely created by human civilization?