
Yes, harmonic resonance is a thing. And it has zero to do with consciousness. I cannot fathom the level of stupidity of some people, this is true.

Who killed Tesla? No one, it is the largest car manufacturer in the world by far.

Why does Tesla require such government hand outs. If it was a viable company then it would thrive. There was an electric car before the petrol engine. Perhaps if the auto manufacturers weren't permitted to suppress technology and innovation then water power would be viable. There are so many ways to harness energy.

Opinions spewed forth without attempting to understand the other side are vile and stink. Stupidity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Maybe the next time people like you will get lucky and a crumb will fall from the corporations table. It still means doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

If you even thought about who killed the electric car you might find that there was an EV law in CA. All of the companies were forced to make them. They never sold a single car. When the companies got the law changed back in their favor they recalled all of the autos and crushed them. Many people standing outside the boneyard sith a giant check didnt stop the crushing.

If you studied propaganda you might learn from history that there is such a thing as a nickel iron battery that can last for 100 years and handle dedp cycles and rapid charging on some level. I hope you learn from these words so I dont read about some we both love burning in a Tesla Fire/Explosion.

Finally, you understand so much about consciousness you must be devine. Admitting ignorance is not weakness. Arrogance that life can only exist in one form is stupidity in my eyes. I hope you wake up to the crony capitalists and take your toys to your own sandbox with the silver liberation army.

The help that Tesla has received from government is badly exaggerated.
States give the company tax breaks to build its factories there. This is true of any large corp. The corp gets tax breaks, and the state gets jobs and tax revenue.
Yes, the earliest cars were electric. Some were steam powered. But the internal combustion engine beat them out for power and range and reliability.

Water powered cars? Oh lord, Please take some chemistry classes!

I don't live my life waiting for crumbs. You can take control of your own life, and capitalism is the engine that can make that happen. I did it by learning how capitalism works and then putting it to work for me. It is an enormously great feeling to be in charge of your own life. I highly recommend it. If you are a young person it is not hard. Save money. Live on half of what you earn. Invest your savings on whatever grabs your fancy or interests you. If it doesn't work, try something else. Sooner or later you will hit on something that will scale and make you financially independent.

Good luck to you and your endeavors!

There is a song that goes here. Another one bites the dust? No, dirty deeds done dirt cheap? Nah. Im out of ideas.

Edit: so mr chemist. What do you get when you electrolise water?

Oxygen and hydrogen.

Around 70% of energy is wasted converting water to gases, then burning gases for energy. You need to put in about 3 times the energy that you get out. This is why you can't run cars on water. It's impossible without another energy source.

Now, if you directly use the electrical energy to power an electric motor instead of breaking apart water and burning the gases, you get 3 times the efficiency.

he is an atheist and absolute capitalist... so you know