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RE: Still your President!

in #informationwar3 years ago

Your emphasis on Citizen Arrests or in trying to get sheriffs to arrest Biden, Obama, other people who have committed crimes, treason, espionage, insurrection, etc, is more important than voting for even Trump.

Exactly! and not just 'presidents' but all of them, governors, mayors, Senate, Congress, especially Congress!!!


And people should focus on their own bodies, their closes friendships and relationships with other humans, their houses, land, property, block, neighborhood, community, area, and then their local town, city, region, and then their county.

They must be focused on their family, their friends, people they trade with, people they do business with, employers, employees, customers, students, people they interact with, in that order roughly speaking, even before getting to state and federal level items, people should focus on local things first as much as possible.

They must drain local political swamps before anything else, work on things in their neck of the woods first and always return to it before weeds return as they generally do every so often.