When Whistle-Blowers Become Martyrs: The William Cooper Story

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

William Cooper, author of Behold A Pale Horse, was an interesting man who from the depth of his convictions was moved to share with us what he claimed were top secret plans to control and kill most of humanity. Before I give a brief summary of the little I have read so far, I want to give some insight into the experiences that shaped who he was. It is always helpful to have an understanding of someone when weighing out motivations and credibility.

William was born into a military family, his father and uncles officers. He entered military service as an enlisted man during the Vietnam war. Being of a military background, he was at first excited to do his duty and serve his country. However, as his time there grew, he began questioning the purpose of being there. Questioning what right he had to impose the will of the United States on local people who wanted different for their country. The stress of his moral dilemma being great enough it brought on PTSD, which saw him institutionalized on several occasions.

It occurred to William, as he rose to a position in military intelligence, that our government was lying to us. Having firsthand knowledge of what was really taking place as opposed to the message being given to the average citizen, he began to understand that there was a hidden agenda behind our government. One that was not concerned with the welfare of its citizens, nor the sovereignty and welfare of other countries citizens. Embarking on a quest to understand who was directing world affairs, and for what reason(s), he began searching for as much information as he could.

One of his more shocking finds was a paper titled Silent Weapons For Silent Wars. I am still currently reading this chapter, and have been so moved by what it is saying that I am choosing to write this now before finishing this portion of the book. The document was found in an IBM printer being sold as scrap. Some of the concepts will take me several looks at to fully grasp, as it has a formula equating an economy to an electrical circuit. The one thing that stands out however is the inhumane view of the masses, and the desired goals of using these principles to dumb down the masses, to speed up debt for the world, as plans to commit a genocide on most of us is achieved. In what is referred to as a benevolent way no less.

It maps out the why of the wars, the why of the insanity spread by the politicians, and so much more. One could argue that it is a hoax, but one can’t deny that the ideas shared in that document are taking place regardless.

Bill Cooper went on to host a radio show, and over the years before his assassination by law enforcement made several astounding predictions, such as 9/11. Here is his prediction here that something was coming.

He understood the way those directing the programming of societies pitted race against race. Ironically, his early base of readers came from the black community within the prison system. When Mark Jacobsen, who wrote a book on Cooper, asked Ol’ Dirty Bastard of the Wu Tang Clan why he endorsed the book, his reply was that “black people knew they were getting f***ed, and the book explained by who.” They say his book is the most read book within our prison system.

Many of the so called truthers, such as Alex Jones, grew up listening to his shows. Alex in many ways modeled himself after him, although Cooper said Jones was a disinformation agent and not to be trusted.

One of Coopers claims is that the world has been run by underground societies that all trace their source to the Brotherhood of the Snake. This should be of interest to any who follow any of the groups who believe there are reptilians calling the shots, such as the David Icke and Donald Marshal movements (which are not to be confused with one another as they believe entirely different thoughts on this).

Based on the below video, I would guess that the Brotherhood of the Snake aligns more closely with the Donald Marshall structure. I point this out as a side observation, and will leave it to you to decide the veracity of the claims made by Marshal. One important point that is made by Cooper in the video I am about to share is this: Whether it is all true or not, whether you believe it or not, there are those who do believe regardless and they occupy positions of power supported by other members of the same belief system. Their cooperation as a group makes their beliefs a threat, whether valid or not.

Because their beliefs are a threat regardless, it seems apparent to me that one needs to understand what it is they believe, and the reasons why they believe if one is to mount any kind of defense to the subjugation they force us into. One can’t hope to escape a prison one does not see nor understand.

Being a man of conscience who devoted his time to spreading what he discovered, along with his insights into what and why, he finally stopped paying his income taxes. He decided that it would be morally wrong for him to support the criminal schemes and enterprises of the hidden hand that brought so much pain, misery and death around the world.

He was persecuted as whistle-blowers are for his exposure of their methods. In one of the attempts to take his life, they (he said it was the CIA) ran him off the road over a cliff. He survived (to their dismay) but it cost him his leg. Warning him once they realized he was still alive he would shut up if he knew what was good for him, he spent many years living unpredictably. He always remained vocal however; he felt the more he was seen and heard, the safer it was for him as everyone would know who killed him.

His death came at the hands of a swat team (that some say was under CIA control) in a trap they set for him, using his nonpayment of taxes as justification for why they sent a small army there to his house in AZ. He was drawn out of his house by a car playing loud music, and in the ensuing exchange of gunfire managed to wound several, as well as kill one of them. I have no doubt they were not there to arrest him, just like they were not out at Ruby Ridge to arrest anyone either. The methods employed were not ones one would use to arrest someone. They were ones one would use to spill blood. Just like in Waco, and many other stories one can find without looking to hard.

Quotes from politicians on this secret hand running the script of power that control nations.


An interview with Bill's longtime research partner, Doyel Shamley.

In closing, I will leave you with this.

A Covenant With Death by Bill Cooper


Many of these man’s words were prophetic, and like so many he gave his life to share them with us while refusing to endorse and aid the system that is destroying the communities around us. The deaths of those like Cooper, Phil Schneider, Senator Nancy Schaefer and a host of other heroes should be a wake-up call for all of us. At the very least demanding an examination of the messages they shared that prompted those in the spotlight to order their death.


This is one of the best blogs I've read in a long time. I hope it gets the support it deserves from the blockchain.

You listed every top whistle-blower that I'm aware of:

  • Donald Marshall (still alive)
  • Phil Schneider
  • William Cooper

I'm unaware of Senator Nancy Schaefer and will surely check her out. Thank you for this amazing write-up @praticalthought.

Upvoted, Resteemed and even shared on twitter

I am honored, thank you. I wasn't really sure how well received this post would be. I just started reading his book and haven't made it through the first chapter yet. The silent weapons and plans it lays out sends chills through me. Without grasping it entirely yet (I will need to draw up my own diagrams and play with it to fully grasp it I am thinking) I can feel enough of the truth in it that it is sobering.

I remember even as a child I sensed something wasn't right. I prayed when I was 5 for God to fix me, as I thought the problem was me. Things continued being what they are, but i still didn't quite subscribe to any of the so called tin foil hat conspiracy theories. I always said to myself if they were true, where were those who were involved telling the rest of us because they disagreed with what was going on.

It wasn't until this last year that I found out they do exist, plenty of them. Many of them murdered. A lot of those murdered declared a suicide (like with Phil Schneider and Nancy Schaefer). Nancy uncovered the child trafficking taking place within the CPS/foster care system. It first cost her her role as politician. She continued on speaking out about it, and they murdered her and her husband. Here is a speech she gave after they ran her out of office.

It was based on her that I woke up and began supporting the Family Protection group here. We have had several in our community here that have been targeted that fit the normal target of being to poor to fight back. The FamilyProtection group has not only offered them advice, I have watched as they use their stake here to help these families in need pay their light bills, buy food for those kids etc. They helped me see the true potential here at Steemit.

The authorities claimed it was a murder/suicide, but no one that knew them believed it.


There is an epidemic targeting our children and she paid the price for calling it out.

your going to love this book although i believe when they knew what he was up to they put phony documents on there on purpose and had phony two bit actors steal all his stuff
poor guy 'they called him racsict and a commie but he was married to a chinese girl and fought in the navy for the americans
truly disgraceful
again great great post

im surprised marshall is still alive they get rid of these people
cooper was my hero
he used to say when you and your children are hiding in a ditch scrounging for food you will have nobody to blame but yourselves since we are apathetic and do absolutley nothing for our liberty and freedom
hope your having a great day FTG cheers


Personally I'm more of the mind of the lizard thing being metaphor for 'lizard brain' low vibrational forces such as greed, lust and fear. Keep reading so you can share :)

Excellent post. Ive heard of William Cooper before but I have not read his book. Now I want to.

As for the others you mentioned, I have not heard of them but I will be doing some research on those as well.


Posted using Partiko Android

I have barely started it and it moved me so much I had to share. It is a must read in my opinion. We have the benefit of hindsight now which makes his revelations all the more frightening.

this book is so great that ive sold a half dozen copies in the last 25 years lol
enjoy the book cooper rocks

Any good documentaries on any of them?

Posted using Partiko Android

You can find a lot of information on YouTube. William Cooper has many of his broadcasts on YouTube that his listeners recorded over the years he did it. I am sure there are many documentaries.

Cooper had a lot of interesting topics that will most likely be overshadowed by the 9/11 stuff. It is thanks to people like him that we now know a bit more about the way the world works.

Bill Cooper was the man. He called it as he seen it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

He was a hero who sacrificed his leg and then life to warn the rest of us. I wish I would have read his book years ago.

ive read this book a dozen times and everything he said was true well 99percent
this is how i started learning about the establishment criminals
great great post
poor guy shot in the head cause of teenagers that the police sent in there to begin with
he was a true hero ut nobody listened and this is what we are dealing with now
again great article
i think im going to go read it again

I'm reading Pale Horse now. He claims the Galileo spacecraft was loaded with plutonium and was to crash into Jupiter to create a new star, in 1999. This would usher in a new Luciferian age.

Like I'm not sure if you follow current events, but that didn't happen. How can you read such complete nonsense and not think the whole thing is made up? The only question is if he believed it, or if he just wanted to sell books, I wonder about David Icke in the same way

A lot of currently popular nonsense can be traced back to this idiot, the NWO, Luciferians and such but come on its obviously bullshit. The problem is some of the book is valid, I have no problem with the part about banking and money. Then he goes full retard about whoever has the spear of destiny will rule the world. The Brotherhood of the snake and all that shit, no I do not believe it at all. Sounds like a big tall tail. It's not a bad book so far but I'm approaching it as conspiracy fiction. I certainly don't believe he saw a UFO rise out the ocean and fly away.

The problem with debunking masonic conspiracy theory is I am not a mason, or member of any secret society, so opinions what they are really up to is always going to be based on what other people say. I can't see people trying to advance an agenda that takes generations to come to fruition. Would you join something whose end goal won't be reached even in your great grand childrens time? The masons seem like a boys drinking club.

My problem with stuff like this is it distracts from evil shit government and bankers really are doing. People are more interested in the illuminati than say US government occupation or messing with the democratic governments of resource rich 3rd world lands. The real actual activities are bad enough.

As a side note dropping Donald Marshall references in your blog to get upvotes from a mentally ill whale is slimy as fuck. People should be telling FTG to seek treatment for his mental problems, everyone on steem can't wait to exploit it for personal profit.

Your assertions are contradictory. In one breath, you ask how I can read this nonsense

and not think the whole thing is made up?

then go on to say

The problem is some of the book is valid

As I stated in my article, I have barely begun it. The part I have read has credibility in my mind. Enough that it sparked this writing. The fact is, there is a lot of evil shit going on by those in power. And it isn't a partisan thing, they are ALL in on it.

Sadly, due to the lies handed to me through school, media and government I remain ignorant of a lot of what is true. Which makes placing truths a bit of a conundrum. Understanding my ignorance and the vast amount of lies leaves me in the unenviable position of having to force myself to have an open mind, even in areas my mind would insist, based on reference points handed to it from questionable sources, couldn't be true.

One such area involves the idea we are not so different than cattle, who are unaware they are being farmed by something higher on the food chain. Because sure as hell a lot of actions being forced upon the peoples of the world just don't make a lot of sense.

As for the FTG allegation you made (looking through your history here it seems you are quick to throw out shock statements of negative intent) you display your ignorance further. For whatever reason, he has been interested in my writing for some time. This, despite my initial rejection of Donald Marshall when he was running his writing contest on.

It was that contest that made me open my mind up. There were several writers (I couldn't in good conscious write about it at that time as my mind was closed to the idea) who like myself, were skeptical. Their presentation of artifacts and belief systems from antiquity was of such a nature (presented factually without opinion) that I realized I was approaching this idea with a closed mind, and perhaps it might make some of the things I see around me make sense.

I am still not in a position to say it is all true and go warning my neighbors, yet I can't deny that the more I look into things the more I see possible connections that would lend itself as circumstantial evidence.

It's a reflection on you that you call him mentally ill. I (and many others here who have seen his heart) view him as a kind man who without using force wishes so much good for others he is willing to endure persecution to share it. A man who uses much of his stake for the betterment of his brothers and sisters. Given an opportunity to be by his side or the side of one who is quick to rage and call names as though they were an expert on everything, I will always choose to stand by the one of good heart.

I am sorry so many ideas cause you to be troubled to the point you feel the need to lash out.

well said sir
to me he knew exactly what was going on
you can form your own opinion as im sure you will

Thank you.

I agree, and sometimes will ignore. However other times I use the opportunity to further the message I was sharing for others who are reading. Often times belligerence to ones message is a perfect gift allowing one to expand on the points being made, adding to the credibility of the message as well as an opportunity to mention things maybe forgotten or left out of the original post.

you are picking one thing out of the whole book
look at whats happening today or can you not see lol
that book coincides with so much that is happening today read the whole book and then judge it
and if you did read the whole thing well what can i say lol
have a good day

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment