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RE: How did they do it? Not a conspiracy - a fact!

in #informationwar5 years ago

Interesting coins and note bro.
Thanks for the high praise too.

The beauty of this idea is that it can be done relatively cheaply, and the only interest required for any loan would be enough to cover the printing of replacement notes. This ends debt and prints new money from demand, the opposite to what we have now!

Any bank owner would not need to take interest as they can print unlimited amounts based purely on demand as above. The trust would be that every person in the local community would have a stake in said bank, and also in all aspects of it.

This also takes away "fear" of the financial collapse the MSM has been banging on about for decades, and it never comes. Though even if it did, locals would have their own currency so the governments Fiat rubbish collapsing would matter not one single bit!


I admire your certainty, I'd like to see it working, at least hope isn't lost.

I am 100% certain as before I leave this place we call earth I am going to make sure of it, if for nothing else but my own children's sake my friend.