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RE: How did they do it? Not a conspiracy - a fact!

in #informationwar5 years ago

Removing the pumps and dumps still requires getting rid of central banksters, removing them from the picture changes everything overnight for ever more. I prefer to start there than wait any longer for cryptos to change the world.
Cheers for the reply. :-)


It's hard to imagine this happening today because crypto has very little infrastructure, but in the future coins will be created whose primary goal will be to quarantine the broken fiat system. Let's call it Quarantine Coin.

Blockchain isn't about money. It's about community consensus, and if you create a community that wants to block fiat, it will happen if enough people share that view. At the end of the day any paper note can be counterfeit. Crypto can't be.

I can see that future along with you, it is getting there and how. Thanks for the superb comment.