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RE: Trucker drives into a crowd of Idiots On Interstate 35, and hit no one; but is beaten by these "peaceful" protesters!

in #informationwar4 years ago

Yes violence to 'correct' violence is idiocy, Dr Luther was a Smart Man!

The MSM lies most of the time and spins the stories the rest of the time; while ignoring the good....

At the Alamo, they showed up to deface and destroy; and met a Wall of armed Texans. They stopped that planned violence, and hurt no one; even though they outnumbered the attackers many times over. Defensive firearms, in civilian hands, stops violence; it is that simple.

I'm sure the MSM spun it that these armed white supremacists, threatened 'peaceful protesters' by the Alamo; totally ignoring the patriotic armed black Men, in the defensive lines there!

It is also important to address the fact that if the 'peaceful' protesters (AKA Looting rioters) had been the ones that had been armed, it would have been a bloodbath, and the Alamo would still be burning!

Look at my post on the Magic bricks....
