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RE: This impeachment garbage finally makes sense!

in #informationwar3 years ago

I personally think that the government has no business in medicines of any kind! But I likely will never use cannabis, I've just seen too much misuse. This is my own failing, but I do use herbals of multiple types for multiple treatments. I do even have some CBD oil here for testing. I may use it in some creams as a binder.

But I did watch it destroy a roommate, it just ate up his ability to function. Some can't handle it and he couldn't. But I reiterate I don't think the government has any business regulating any type of drugs of any kind. It's not part of their core function and they don't do it well! Sadly the drugs themselves, will self limit things, in a cold-blooded manner. Those that can't handle it won't last long.

But they have the right to choose how their life will go.
