President Trump Delivers Remarks on Operation Legend: Combating Violent Crime in American Cities

in #informationwar4 years ago (edited)

There can be some disappointment if Trump doesn't follow through; however, remember that disappointment in politics is a demoralization tactic and keep your chin UP

It doesnt really matter if trump is kabuki theatre or not if YOU do what's necessary to defend liberty

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Well, there it is: soft martial law.

The soft, white underbelly of America is open for gutting by ruthless federales. Thanks for that Commies.

My recommendation for Americans is to remember that snitches get ditches, and for them as seek to prey on you, let them find out if they fuck around. Lily livered pansies that depend on thugs for their security lose their freedom by asking to be protected, and then are helpless against the very thugs whose boots they lick.

Born slaves.

Handle your business, or become the business of your handlers.