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RE: The CIA's Halloween Massacre, 1977

I have despised Carter for many years, and everything that I hear about him makes the contempt grow greater

  • start hating Carter at 10 years old for the hostage debacle
  • go to college; one professor was an ex-SF officer, a Jewish convert to Islam who had trained to be dropped into Central Russia (Chechnya etc) and generate an Islamic revolution if war broke out between US/Russia...this guy claimed that Carter called the Shah and congratulated him on using Cobras to mow down pro-democracy protestors; which reminds me I need to track down that professor and that story
  • return from Corps and finish college; study Nicaragua...Carter supported Sandanistas even as they vowed war against America
  • watch Carter sell out North Korean populace for a "no-nuke" stance which they immediately violate during Clintoon Admin

And here is something that always pops up in trying to determine an exact Deep State structure

The Deep State may be an Israeli driven conspiracy (one theory), but both Carter and Obama are extremely anti-Israeli, and both are firmly at the nexus of leftist/globalist alliance theory...


I think the deep state is a probably lot closer to home.

I can see all sorts of possibilities and alignments, so I like to warn about falling in love with any one theory.

Hell, we could all be getting run out of Riyadh for all I know ;>

That would explain this:

But I think it's just a bunch of lefties in DC and NYC and Hollywood and perhaps Soros and some European globalists.

until we can get the usual suspects in and waterboard them, I don't think we'll ever get an accurate view of the entire the structure is fluid as new alliances are made and old ones discarded

To some extent it seems like ISIS or Operation Mayhem, there are cells and an ideology that anyone can ascribe to and act on.

and when one hand doesnt know what the other is doing, like having the DOD and CIA supporting opposing sides of Syrian rebels (which COULD have been intentional, I just don't think so)

I have always said that if there were no terrorists they would have to create some.