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RE: In a few minutes, and with Steemit's full approval, @Bloom (Blumenthal? Bloomberg?) will come along & wipe out my posts...

in #informationwar5 years ago

I've only downvoted one comment ever and that was a gif of a baby being hit in the face. I personally don't believe in down voting people, been a blogger for about five years and that's the only downvote I've ever given anybody. This is the only defense of downvoting I agree with, people outright spewing hate. What I was conveying here is if I have to see downvoting I'd rather the energy be pointed at those peddling hate and misinformation. I've learned in this lifetime Kawaii that if you don't like something in life there is one hundred different ways to convey your dislike than sounding like a stark raving lunatic. I know MePatriot can do a whole lot better in conveying their thoughts as I am pretty sure I know from the blogging sphere who MePatriot is. Maybe this flagging thing don't work well with some but Bloom's flag and my critique has, so far, may have conveyed there's a right way to say something and a wrong way to say something as I see they've went back to their normal course of conveying their thoughts. On other blogs their opinion is a highly respected one, often upvoted by me, I think that's is why we can have this conversation, we respect one another. Your never going to get a one hundred percent, you are going to get you badda boom, badda bings, your zingers, and to be a successful blogger in the blog a sphere you just going to have to learn to laugh at yourself once in awhile along with enjoying those same laughs on others. I didn't get to become a high reputation blogger by retaliating against people, retaliation will get you no where but black listed.