I think I got PTS from this lying head... and I want to leave this perdition system

in #informationwar4 years ago

but just want to finish my ultimate guide...

and it will take 13 weeks to extract the little value...

so you will not read me anymore...

no more stupid pixels where your little brain associate ideas and meaning which don't even exist

what I hate here :

  1. I am totally marginalized and it's not good for my mental state... I mean I have 0 readers, 0 support, nothing... I mean, it's spraying in the digital void.
  2. I fucking don't like how the write layers work, there is no synthax nothing...
  3. this user name entrappement is so dangerous, from tracking to everything, this is slavery
  4. there is no financial liberty, I mean 13 weeks
  5. I think that most get bad when speech is conditionned by hope of money
  6. waiting 5 min...
  7. yeah fuck that shit... the real problem is user tracking by low iq savages.
  8. fuck you, to all the leeches, if there are any :).

and back to this head...

no seriously, I got tricked... i didn't knew that that shit had happen, and read some crap in paris, so I clicked... and boom... I guess I didn't knew if it was a joke or real, and then it was too late... I am a big believer of state of mind...
