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RE: It's Trumps fault that the riots and looting is happening in Minneapolis

in #informationwar4 years ago

who didn'arrested the 4 cops? who seek by all necessary means to remove trump (pandemic, warfare, anything)?

the problem of the usa, is to have no idea how hard and violent the world outhere is... you could at rt today and the syrian tunnel around goutha near damascus...

I think it's impossible to imagine... and worst how fast can everything change... and don't forget she will just take her jet to another pasture what ever happen, like those with the yuge mansion near fukushima japan...

"Like everyone in the country Im watching the nationwide riots. Im watching the media frame it as they want it framed. The media and politicians want to talk about racism. I think this is not just about race. Its about injustice, its about authoritarianism.

We are coming off of 3 months of all levels of government locking us down, telling us at every turn “youll do what we say, or else”. They say “you can demonstrate peacefully but not like this”. What they really mean is, you can only respond in ways that we can easily ignore.

I think this event simply tapped into the outrage, most people have felt for a long time. Increasingly we see police, politicians and the powerful flaunt the rules we are expected to abide by. We see egregious crimes committed by members of the highest level agencies in our land. We see political figures commit the highest crimes, we see these things every day. We also see them get away with it with virtually no consequence. We are told things like “we will investigate”, “let the system do its job”, The fact is, the system doesn’t do its job. The rich, the powerful, the connected in America, do not “let the system do its job” instead they exploit the system to their advantage. They do not have to live by the rules they create and impose on us, the general public. Our system has devolved into a system like many previous fallen empires in which only the common people have to face the music for misdeeds.

The entire population has seen this, has felt this, has been subject to this. By the powerful having injected this lawlessness into our system for their own gain, lawlessness is what is now coming out of it. Did they really believe they could violate every convention themselves and expect that that concept and accompanying anger would not be the result? No, the public is beyond tired of the examples set by the powerful and the oppression it has brought.

Considering the scope of the government spying on us all, the threats and intimidation the public receives if they step across even the smallest line, as the powerful and connected get away with virtually everything they choose to do, I believe this is just the beginning of what will come.

No, I don’t believe this is simply about the one victim that the Minnesota police officer killed unjustly. I believe we are seeing a collective anger and rejection of the ever increasing injustice committed by those in power and the disregard for the constitution and the concept of equal justice under the law.

So all of you politicians and officials, remember this, you started all of this, the public didn’t. You’ve demonstrated to us for years, you can get to us with your empowerment. The rioters are now demonstrating to you, they can get to you too. So, pay attention and make some serious reforms before this gets far, far worse."


i like your breakdown of it a lot better than what the media is saying - but the media is dumb and that is why I dedicated my blog to just that. The government has gotten too involved in telling people what they can and can not do and eventually people reach a boiling point but the media would never approach that angle because I feel at times as though they are just a propaganda wing of the overlords.