Will Macron Sucks the Muslims bcz of their boycott?

in #informationwar4 years ago

I bet you YES ! oh fuck yeah...

there is no fucking way that any of those ruling artistocrats of france will ever become free men. they prefer to defend child rapists (like polanski) and bow bow bow...

which percentage of rapes are done by foreign born and or from foreign born parents? 50% 70% maybe even 80%?

incarcerations stats? we did the finance thing, it's a massacre.

so we can expect crap too.

anyway for me it's fucking clear... as mao said...

and it was way back...

they can fire their atomic bombs, we will throw them our hand grenades.

and his son died in the korean front.

backing meaning with action.

the whole spirit of kung fu.

and frankly those quatari...

have they folded on their United nations take over of the world?

yes, the UN has a vector for their annexations?


I know the german little girl, the one pretending to be the EU what ever, will never impose a eu ban food export to all those countries...


that's playing... fairly and kindly...

because they will fucking understand, if they want to survive as a faith what WALLS means...

of course europeons are wasted crap, unable to think, this modern post ww2 generation... (excluded some)

you will see...

the indians got it.

the cambodgians got it...

welcome to china.

if on the 25 october we can cross to defend China against the american empire coalition, what do you think we fear?

france is the ideal outpost for china...

I mean we have a corrupt, inpotent, arrogant leadership, unable to achieve anything, submitting to the filth of the world, letting itself be raped occupied and invaded...

france would be a very small province in whole wide china...

a little bigger than the meow meow :).

worth thinking...

you can fuck yourself with your muslim occupation, hijrah, jihad, or what ever stealth show...

bcz we know the theory... 3 rashidun...

then rape camps for the "benevolent rulers".

an what are the few more languages mostly dialect added to the chinese diversity...

there is one official language of the officials...


in short I would feel 100% safer / respected / harmonious / with opportunity as an included minority in china, that under muslim / eu occupation in france.

to take back the words of the great potus, how many wheels and walls in china pre "slump" of the transitional period? we don't even know, but many... for sure... but many... with a big many.

and itself it's the big irony... inventing powder to then lag on it...