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RE: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

Well my latest single "nothing is done until it's done" could be read very much (not only as that ) but as a climate change warning also contamination/pollution/detaching from Nature. Yes, there have been doom and gloom prophecies but it would be a denial to say we are not affecting the balance. We do with plastic as well... we do decropping forests, we just "overdo" things. So if some of alarm is needed for people to pay attention I don't mind it. I have a rule though which is NEVER EVER discuss politics, religion or candent issues, I have my right to create my awareness but I always try to be respectful. It is true that life will adapt and thrive but I don't want the polar bears to go with it, and I don't want to suffocate in rainless extremely hot autumns, or lose my local groves in wild fires because all is dry. In some parts of the Earth is more noticeable. And it might not be "all" due to it, there are other factors that are not within our control, but well part of it is. What we think but STILL we lose nothing into pursuing a cleaner planet overall. :) I get here apparently after the buzz and fuzz but still I'll be honest about it :).