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RE: Michigan is Requring Businesses to DENY Entry or Service for Customers Without a Mask

in #infowars4 years ago

This whole thing is an exercise in behavior modification @ironshield.
The "Sheeple" allow the MEDIA
to scare them into leaving their critical thinking (if they ever had any) on idle, while they run to the Dr over a cough, bruised toe or sniffle.

When I was growing up, you didn't GO to the Dr unless you WERE SICK, really sick.
So now, it's like "oh, I don't feel good, I have a little sniffle, so it must be covid" and they run to the ER, where sure enough, they test positive.
Why not? EVERY DAMNED PERSON ON THE PLANET has been exposed by now, and will test positive if they are tested.
Covid is a variety of Corona Virus, many of which cause the COMMON COLD, so if you've had one of those colds, you will test positive.

ARGH!!! I am so sick of talking and hearing about this farce.


I remember the good old days, when you could think for yourself. Collectivism sucks.