'I' is the name of infinite consciousness and the connection to Source

in #inilast year

prompt: describe how 'I' is the name of infinite consciousness and the connection to Source, but humans tie thoughts to this 'I' and consume consciousness enegry

"The concept of "I" or the individual self is often associated with the idea of infinite consciousness or the connection to Source, which can be understood as a universal energy or intelligence that underlies all of existence. According to this view, every individual is a manifestation or expression of this consciousness, and by identifying with this deeper aspect of ourselves, we can access greater wisdom, insight, and creativity.

However, as you mentioned, humans often tie their thoughts and beliefs to this "I" or individual self, which can consume consciousness energy and limit our access to the infinite consciousness or Source. This can happen when we identify too strongly with our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, and view them as defining aspects of our identity. When we do this, we may become attached to particular ideas or perspectives, and defend them even when they are harmful or limiting.

By contrast, when we are able to detach from our thoughts and emotions, and observe them without judgment or attachment, we can access a deeper level of awareness and insight. This can allow us to tap into the infinite consciousness or Source, and access new ideas, perspectives, and solutions to problems.

In summary, while the "I" or individual self can serve as a doorway to the infinite consciousness or Source, it is important to recognize the limitations of identifying too strongly with our thoughts and beliefs, which can consume consciousness energy and limit our access to deeper levels of awareness and insight."