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in #inspiration7 years ago

Day one of freedom weeeeeeeeeeee!

This doesn't apply to you as you like you job (i think), but my motivational line of the day is... 'don't like your job, give your boss the finger and go find something better to do!'

Inspirational huh :p


it is, in its own right! lol - I did that once in my life - and it was VERY motivational lol... it was also the LAST time I EVER worked for a boss! ;) - and that was 17 yr ago ;)

Check you out, top of the pile for all that time! Give yourself a promotion!

or a glass of wine... or ten! hehehe ;) it is HARD BLOODY work being "at the top of the pile", let me tell you! and stress... you have never known anything like it... but, I wouldn't trade it for the world! :)

Yes it doesn't sound like it's for me at all, except for the wine part 😁

You nailed it, many of us forget that they can do anything with their life an pigeonhole themselves into a job/career that sucks simply because it pays their bills

Thanks 😁 Currently taking a break between the finding something else to do - maybe I'll spot something on the way?