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RE: **Navigating the Unknown: The Emotional Impact of Losing My Teaching Job After 5 Years in My New School.**

Hi there @egilles, welcome to Hive.

You're off to a rocky start on Hive, and things aren't looking good on your account at the moment. Hive is different from other social media, so allow me to explain a little on how things work.

  • All posts on Hive can potentially be rewarded and the reward window is open for 7 days
  • You can post on your own blog, or in specific niche communities to reach like minded audience
  • if you want, you can post in more than one applicable community, but for subsequent ones it is suggested you use the cross post function instead of creating a new post
  • it is not advised to cross post too often as it makes your blog look very spammy
  • the reward pool is finite, therefore any action to abuse or milk the reward pool is discouraged by the community
  • examples of abusing or milking the reward pool includes, but is not limited to, recycling content ( you've done it 5 times on one post and twice in another one), making multi posts in a day (you've made 4 today), plagiarism, not sourcing content taken from the internet to name a few

Various people have already given you valuable advice, and you can check out more newbie tips here

I know Hive can be quite confusing for newbies especially during their first few weeks. Hopefully all the tips you receive will help you to settle down. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask any of the kind people who have offered you advice so far. We are a friendly bunch and are always prepared to support genuine newbies.

All the best