
in #inspirational • 6 years ago

Written my Angela Nwosu. Copied with due permission .

When life happens. Part 2👇

Few months later, I graduated from secondary school. The plan for me was to do my university degree, abroad, so my father began to process my papers for me to leave Nigeria and join him and my mum over there, which meant that I had to wait. I stayed at home for about a year.
Ofcourse, as soon as the holidays were over, my brother and my cousins went back to school and my Aunty went work. So most times, I would be at home alone.
My Uncle would come home earlier than he would, on the days when he would go out for his business, and on the days he didnt have to, he would go out to drop the others off at school and come back home to stay with me, until it was time to pick them up. Those were my favourite days, because, there was always something for my Uncle and I, to talk about and so he was very good company.

Sometimes, he would buy movies and we would sit together (most times cuddling- though, innocently, from my part) to watch the movies. They were always romantic movies and they were my favourite. It started from cuddling to pulling me close to him until I was literally laid on his body. One day, we were watching one of the movies and they were kissing and taking off their clothes. Normally, when this happened, I would turn my face away from the screen. I was about to do that, when my Uncle pulled me close to him and kissed me. I wont lie, I liked it. I had always wondered what it would feel like and it felt good.

That was the beginning of a new relationship for both of us. We never talked about it, it just started. He took every opportunity to kiss me and from kissing, it graduated to fondling. He was very gentle with me, so I never complained. I enjoyed being with him, but I felt guilty about it, especially because of my Aunty. He used to try to touch me intimately or take my clothes off and I always refused. To me, kissing was enough.

My refusal didnt stop him, though. He would beg and beg to touch my skin instead of my clothes, etc, and I would refuse, so he would settle to kissing, and I thought it was okay until the next day, when the same thing would repeat itself. We kept on like that, for a long time. Infact, I stopped enjoying his kisses, because, they always came with demands.
Demands for more than I was ready to give. Aside from that, my conscience was judging me. I always thought about my Aunty and how she was good to me, yet, I kept repaying that good with evil; messing with her husband. My only problem was how to tell him that I wasnt into it anymore and that I wanted to get back to being Uncle and niece.

To Be Continued!