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RE: All Your Data Are Belong to Them

in #internet6 years ago

I've never had a Facebook account, and I don't carry a cell phone either. I used to work as a series 7 registered rep for years on call 24/7 with my Motorola Analog Cell phone back before 2000. I hated that leash around my neck. I've never stood in the herd as one of "them", and never will.

I prefer spending my time at the farm where there's no broadband internet available, and no cell service. Neither do I own a TV or landline telephone. My stereo is a McIntosh vacuum tube amp built in 1966 so I guess they ain't a gonna' spy on me through that. Still there's a half dozen pure white military planes spraying aluminum aerosols into the stratosphere overhead every damn day. God damn the cult of statism. I hate them and their Luciferian Globalist Agenda. Now they're dimming the sun wanna take away any freedom solar panels might have enabled. They'd be wise to consider the wisdom of a Greg Keelor lyric:

"Behind that locked door, the sleeping dog you beat. I hope I see the day, she satisfies her teeth."

Freedom is gonna rain down on all of us one of these days, and like Heliogabalus dragged through the open sewers, vengeance will be an act of justice. People are ready for justice.

Thank you James for everything you do.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA