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RE: Problem Reaction Solution: Internet Censorship Edition

in #internet6 years ago

Gubbmit was over in 1976! The clownshow is gonna turn into circus with caucazoian ignorance fed to the Lions for the sins of the arrogance of the GodFathers! Bye Vatican City Whore Beast Systems of fakkke twisted evil queen & dark evil cabal ones' agendas. Justice is served: Steemit HOT on a Silver Platter Trimmed in Gold and sealed with a KISS THE SON..LEST HE BECOMES ANGRY...AND YOU...PERISH IN THE WAY WHEN HIS WRATH IS KINDLED BUT A LITTLE. A BELIEF IS NOT AN OPINION WHEN IT IS FACT/ TRUST YAHOSHUA THE LIVING WORD MADE FLESH DWELLING AMONG US. SEEK HIM WHILE HE CAN BE FOUND.