The Sad State of American Foreign Policy Discourse

Right: Let's bomb Iran!

Left: Let's bomb Syria!

"Centrist": Let's bomb Iran and Syria!

Me: Let's not bomb either of them!

Right, Left, and "Center": Shut up you Russian propagandist extremist isolationist anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist!

Me: But, the majority of American voters and taxpayers agree with me! Why is it a conspiracy theory to point out all the ways in which interventionism has been a horrible, catastrophic policy for the United States?

RL&"C": That's it! You wouldn't shut up! Now you're banned from Twitter and Facebook! Where do you work? Do they know an ANTI-SEMITIC NAZI RUSSIAN TROLL works for them? Oh! It looks like you raped someone too! Enjoy solitary confinement, Russian Troll Nazi Rapist!