Hello Steemians!! You all are welcomed by ME!!!

in #introduce7 years ago

Hello Steemians, I am Dipan Kulsi from India and i am completely a new member on Steem.
I am 21 years of age and I am still a student.
I am about to complete my graduation this year on Computer Science Engineereeing.

For some part time income i am starting to blog from today . I love to make new friends and wants to share the Indian culture and lifestyle with the help of my posts. Love to play games and watching movies on my free time . I love photo shoots..

Everyone is requested to follow me and keep in touch with my posts.
I hope everyone liked my profile ..

Thank you Steem!!!


Welcome to steemit :D

welcome here Dipankulsi123 ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me.

Wow Nice Pictures @dipankulsi123 ! Steemit will be a good place Have fun in this community follow me

Welcome to Steemit Community@dipankulsi123. Hopefully comfortable and well received in this community. Always accept constructive suggestions and criticisms. Hope to continue sharing with all of Steemian around the world. Good luck.


Welcome @dipankulsi123 aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.


yeaa sure :)

Glad to see you @dipankulsi I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community !! Nice post, Wish you much luck! Cheers! i will follow your account, please follow me at @simoo ♡♡

Hi Deepan, Welcome to the Steem World... Hope you show the rich culture and traditions of India to the World... Good Luck, Following for more content bro... :)

Welcome to Steemit Dipan. I'm certain you will be able to add value to this amazing platform. Wishing you the best and Following your blog. :)

Yep sure !!!.thankss too

Hello, good to have you on board. There are a lot of Indians on this platform, you can join the #India chatroom on Steemit.chat and socialize with our awesome community!

A new Steemian :-) hello @dipankulsi123 I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, Wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Thanks Bro ...Followed You :)

Thanks, i appreciate it!

Hello @dipankulsi123 Great introduceyourself post and photos!!

I'm @andyluy and I've been here for a a month, a can tell you that steemit is the most amazing thing I've ever seen at the internet so far. I'm happy seeing it grows every day!

I had some hard time on the firsts week, so I spent some time searching information to improve my experience with steemit, latter I've decided to make posts about those things in order to help the new ones to have a shortcut to get deeper on steemit.

here is some of my posts, I hope It mitght be helpful to you:

Usefull steemit tool
The Randowhale
Getting videos from facebook

Here is one post from @yoda1917 That i think Is useful to have a look too
just halt for a moment

I intend to keep posting useful info that I may be able to gather, and in a near future some give away. Feel invited to follow me and if you have any question about steemit you can ask me in any of my last posts, I'll try my best to help.

Thanks Bro...Followed u :)

you're welcome anytime bro ^^

Hello, welcome to the community. Its nice to have you on board.

Welcome, I hope you enjoy it here!

hi... nice to see you..
welcome in steem nation ..good luck ...
best wishes for many new follower and friends .. <3
follow me @mahr

Hai @dipankulsi123. Welcome to steemit.Enjoy your stay here. I am #aclenx if you want to have more followers and upvotes Click Here join us and we will create a team supporting each others blog.
Follow me I will follow you back.

thanks!! i followed u back too!