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RE: suspending belief that something is suddenly becomes...... possible........

in #introducemyself7 years ago (edited)

That is an awesome LOA/synchronicity story! :D Love those moments, such a special feeling eh? One day when I had to fly from Mexico where I'd spent Christmas, back to Costa Rica (where I lived at the time) - I woke up with this super intense intuitive feeling that I should put a small painting in my carry on luggage to give to someone on the plane for good luck/karma for my art career.. While waiting to board, the President of Costa Rica at the time, Laura Chinchilla got on the same plane I was about to get on! I knew she'd be in first class and I'd probably have to walk past her on the way to my seat, so - I gave the painting to her! Later once the plane took off she even had her security bring me back up to first class to get a picture. It felt like confirmation from the Universe that I was on the right track!rsz_rsz_740920_10151322071429547_1044934244_o.jpg


Brilliant........ Its these moments that tell us that we are..... in exactly the right place at the right time........ I have many Synchronicity stories..... the London trip was amazing... but week in Bkk to flog those miserable bizarre designs...... was just angels laughing at me....... so off the wall.....