Introduction of a hopeful creative

in #introducemyself2 years ago

Hello! My name is Chandler Dean and I am a student at Oklahoma State University. I am joining the Hive community because I am taking a class to explore how to post creative content on this platform. I am super excited about the opportunity to create so often and to learn about how the Hive works!

I first discovered the joys of creating when in middle school I decided to write my own book. I had read so many fantasy novels at that point that I figured it was time to try writing myself. Here is a picture of middle school Chandler to keep in your head while you read:
Picture of me in 2013. You know you went through this phase too lol.

I set up this whole plot with the title The Lost Prince where a girl goes to work at the palace, falls in love with the prince, but the prince is kidnapped and she has to be the one to find him (because for some reason the king and everyone else doesn't care about him-- I know, I was in middle school okay?). Anyway, I wanted there to be this whole twist at the end where the prince was actually working for his mother, the exiled queen, who wanted the magic locket that our heroic main character, Jess, inherited from her father (who was off fighting the war -- again, middle school).

I still have the Pinterest boards corresponding to each character, the drawing I did of the locket, the first chapter and the preface of the book. Not only that, I was constantly looking at Pinterest posts about "how to be a better writer" and "how to make your characters great.'

But of course, I never finished it and it never went anywhere. I did, however, love diving into the process of trying to create an entire world and learned just how hard it is.

I went on to explore creativity in the form of music. I am a percussionist and love performing pieces both solo and in a group. I also took some creative writing courses and tried my hand at poetry, flash fiction, and forms of short stories.

I feel obliged to mention the fandoms that I am a part of: Star Wars (specifically the Prequel and Original trilogies along with Clone Wars and Rebels), Marvel (I'm particularly in love with Wanda and her show, oh and Tom/Peter/Spiderman), Avatar: The Last Airbender (and I guess Legend of Korra), Harry Potter, and Spiderman (pretty much anything Spiderman).

natalie_harris_ahsoka_tano.jpg Image source This is my current wallpaper for my computer. Credits to Natalie Harris for the artwork. I am and forever will be obsessed with Ahsoka Tano.

I also play video games like The Last of Us, Uncharted, Spiderman and Miles Morales, Ratchet and Clank, and Jedi Fallen Order (in other words RPGs).

As an English major, I also read classic literature and poetry and have come to love analyzing poetry. And of course, I am passionate about the pinnacle of literature that is the Bible. The Bible Project is an amazing resource for those wanting to dive deeper into the Bible's original cultural context and its literary themes and devices.

For this class, I intend to embark on a poetry series reflecting on the development of my meditation space where I encounter God. I am a Christian, meaning I am a person in love with the creator of the universe. My goal is to glorify Him in everything I do and help others understand the incredible depth of His love for them and the world.

I also intend to explore aspects of creativity that I never have before like creating a lightsaber, photography, cooking, potentially writing fanfiction, and anything else I can think of. I guess what I am inviting you on is a journey with me into the meaning of creativity and the forms in can take in one woman's life.

Also, for vanity's sake, here is a picture of me now:
worthy_photo_dancing.jpg I'm the one in the middle with the sweater, shown here dancing with my friends :). Picture credits to Ashlyn Beagley.

Anyway, that's me! If any of that sounds interesting to you, follow along with me this semester!

-- Chandler Dean


I did, however, love diving into the process of trying to create an entire world and learned just how hard it is.

You are probably familiar with J.R.R. Tolkien and the fact that Middle Earth and The Lord of the Rings and all things related thereto ultimately came about because he needed a 'people' to complete one of the constructed languages (glossopoeia) he had created (Elvish).

As an English major, I also read classic literature and poetry and have come to love analyzing poetry.

You gonna love it here @chandlerd . We have book club that also organize weekly book chats. I myself is also an English major and love to read classic literature. My favorite author is Fitzgerald and when it comes to poetry, I enjoy old English poems.

This is @macchiata from the @OCD(Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive Blockchain. Congratulations and welcome!

There are some information that I want you to have a look:

  1. Exploring communities on hive OCD Communities Incubation Program and for all communities on hive
  2. For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.
  3. The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server or you can tag @macchiata if you have further question. I'd be happy to help.

Have a nice day and have fun exploring hive!

Hey, thanks for posting! I just joined Hive myself and started looking for other people's intros to inform my own, and I came across yours. Nice to see another Christian on a platform I'm so new to. I'll be following you for sure.