
hi i am about to introducemyself

some random user that is starting to interview: cool who are you?

guy: look at nickname.
I am the guy that is having this nickname

interviewer: cool

guy: whats next?

i: where do you live?

guy: i live @home its a nice place with the IP adress
i like it there *feeling happy*

interviewer: oo..key? *thinking: this guy seems a bit odd or is it just some of those internet freaks???*

guy: yes ask me the next questions

i: what else? why you are here?

guy: to write text in text boxes

i: i see *man this guy is completely crazy*

guy: next question plz

i: well what are your intentions of writing?

guy: from time to time i get really bored. and this writing is funny. so writing equals no boredness
not to bad i guess :)

i: *tinking: ok makes sense but i also think he is nuts*

guy: next question plz

i: what do you have 4 a living

guy:  a nice one. living is cool. i like living. better than being dead. i dont like being dead. feels uncomfortable and also bored.

i: makes sense *i give it up this guy is completely living in another world.*

guy: next question plz

i: do you have some hobbys?

guy: yes man i like walking on gummy bears, and also am practicing in being the best in throwing some plankton at really far distances. yesterday i topped my last record in 3 centimeters. ok to be honest throwing it is a bit lame so i only do it with 0.04 percent of my whole powers right now. saving some energy 4 doing it wont be the badest idea i guess.

i: interesting hobbys *am i dreaming right now???is this really happen to me?*

guy: yes but i lied a bit

i: *reliefed thinking: god thanks he is showing a bit of normal humor*

guy: in reality it was only by 2 centimeters hihi.

i: *blanked out*

guy: next questi...*saying to self* oh he seems  a bit of pale. oh now he fell into horizontal state. i wonder if i could use him as a wind blocker 4 my door *thinks*. would be a usefull...oh to bad i already bought one of those last monday *forgot completely*.

guy: seems like i am done here. Lets play with my playstation now :). makes fun. i like funny things :)


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Welcome. Nice to meet.

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