Let me introduce myself……

Hello all,

Over the years I’ve had some struggles with my weight as I’ve gotten older. Roughly fifteen years ago I lost over one hundred pounds, one hundred and six to be exact.

I did this in one calendar year, doing a combination of intermittent fasting, keto and lifting very hard and very heavy. Which was quite an accomplishment for me. I maintained that weight for nearly eleven years.

Then Covid came upon us….

All the gyms closed. I couldn't work out the way I was used to, which was lifting very heavy weights. I tried to stay active, going for walks and trying body weight exercises. But quickly lost interest, especially with my business taking a major hit from the Covid shutdowns.

It didn’t take long for me to lose interest in staying active doing things I didn’t enjoy doing. The stress of trying to keep my business afloat, with bills piling up and no money coming in. Then the pounds started adding back up.

Also during this time, I was going through a very drawn out, ugly and very expensive divorce. Which began before Covid began, but got drawn out due to Covid. Then during the lockdown, my dad got sick. Not with Covid, but with internal cancer. He was in the hospital for nearly four months. Two of those months were in ICU. My father decided to pull the plug on himself. Meaning he requested to be taken off of all the medications keeping him going. Obviously this was very traumatic, for both myself and my mother.

Needless to say, I put nearly seventy five pounds back on.

I half heartedly tried a few times over the last year or so to lose the weight again. But if you aren’t in the correct mindset and aren’t focused on the goal 100%, you will never succeed.

Fast forward to January of this year.

I got myself in the right place mentally, and committed to doing the same program that worked for me nearly fifteen years ago. Intermittent fasting, keto and lifting heavy.

Keto has come a long way since I did it many years ago. There are some great items available now that you couldn’t even dream about back then.

Keto is not a diet, it is a lifestyle. There are many different opinions on what are the right macro percentages for keto. While I won’t be getting into that at this time, I’m sure that I will touch on that in future posts.

What I plan on doing in my posts, is sharing meals that I prepare with full recipes. Keto product reviews, the good the bad and the ugly of what some companies call keto products.

So come join me on my keto journey.

For today I’ll share a picture of one of my favorite keto dishes. Buffalo spicy chicken wings.


I will share this recipe and more in future posts. Hopefully I can create a following.