in #introducemyself8 years ago (edited)

HEY steemians......

I am miqdad (26 yrs old) from melbourne . i work as a software engineer.

i am a faucet developer too.

i love writing poems. ( so u can expect some poems in the upcoming posts ;) 

if anyone want help in any of the above category just hit me up , i will be more than happy to help u.

This is my first post and i actually really don't know anything about steemit.(extreme newbie)^^

So i am making this post very short.

"Using big  words doesn't make you sound smart"

Hopefully i get support from steemians.....

Soon i will be posting more interesting stuffs so stay tuned. 

with regards,



A follow and an upvote..
I'll be waiting for your updates.. :)

Nice to meet you/

Welcome to Steemit :)