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RE: Hey Hive!

Aha, you are brave diving straight in to all the different apps! I used esteem a couple of times on mobile but found peakd to be the best offering so far. There is a new app in development called Dapplr which could be the mobile app we're looking for but until then, stick to peakd I'd say!


Peakd seems a little more obvious than esteem but I suppose esteem has the advantage of a mobile app. I hope the dapple app is good. Mobile is important to me.

Yeah I hear you, it's the way of the world with smartphones so the sooner a mobile app can be rolled out and tested in the first stages, the better. For the moment, you can still log in and use PeakD on your mobile, it's pretty well optimised but still requires to look through the browser in the mean time.