Hello, Hive. This is me. [Introduction]

in #introducemyself4 years ago


Hello Hive,

my name is st8z and i successfully registered on this platform a few days ago. Even if you haven't read anything from me yet, I have read some of you. Already some years ago, when you had another name and the crypto hype was about to start.

And actually I wanted to register here at that time, too. At least after I was told about this concept of reward distribution by a friend of mine and wanted to have a closer look at it. But it didn't happen until I took another look at the platform when my acquaintance showed absurd sums as payouts. I mean to have even requested an account, but never got it? At least my name was not taken. But let's continue with the text - it was during this time that my professional situation changed so much that I almost didn't deal with the cryptomarket at all anymore. So I never experienced this platform as a real user. I only traded the steem, but I sold everything long before the price peak was reached.

Now I had heard about the story with Sun, the fork and the newly created hive and finally decided to register. After I got the access a few days ago, I decided to introduce myself. So more of me:

I grew up in my twenties and like many of you on the WWW. All in all I consider myself to be a very versatile person, who, apart from some mistakes and quirks, has his heart in the right place. In my life I experience the need for contrasts. First a symphony by the good Tchaikovsky, then a few lines by Charles Bukowski and finally a track of Haftbefehl.

Professionally, I am at home in marketing, but with an above-average interest in IT and programming - which distinguishes me from most people around me. That's why I'm currently learning programming, when I'm not giving free rein to my amateurish creativity on the tablet. In this sense, the Corona time-out does not harm me at the moment, without it this post would probably not have been written.

Apart from that I have an intense passion for online games, which has accompanied me half my life, or at least since we had internet in the village where I grew up, with which you could play online.

What exactly I want to do with this blog I can't say yet. But since I am always open for development, I decided to buy some HIVE and to strengthen this platform. I have already bought the first 500 HIVE through Probit, but the transfer is a bit delayed because the carrier pigeons of Probit do not reach me. The test worked, the initial deposit did not. I should have done the KYC at Bittrex, but my account is temporarily not usable there, after I didn't use it for 2 years.

I hope not to regret my decision and look forward to an interesting exploration.

P.S. I hope this works now. I thought i allready submited, but it did not appear.

See you later,


Алло, Хайв. Это я.


Welcome to the Hive community @st8z!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

Eight suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, keychain and steemconnect,
  3. The master password is only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and
    be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. When you open your hive.blog, in the upper right corner of the page there are 3 bars. Click on those, and then on the "welcome", and you will get a lot of reading material that will help you.
  8. Do NOT open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @xcountytravelers and @brittandjosie from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hivians available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!

Hello, thanks for the nice welcome. I think some of the issues raised apply to the entire crypto market. In this one I am quite familiar with.

For the other aspects I will need some time to generate a complete picture. Thanks anyway!

Welcome here

Thanks a lot!

Great to have you aboard.

Thanks for your kind words!

Hello and welcome. Glad to see you managed to get yourself signed up and create this intro post. If you have friends/family you'd like to invite to join, direct them to the first video lesson in the HIVE tutorial. It may also be helpful to you, as you fill in gaps in your knowledge and learn new things. There will be 4 lessons in total that should make it easier for folks to get started who are new to blogging/social media on a blockchain. I hope you have a great experience here!

Thanks for your words. I think I'm gonna need some reading up on this. Some fundamental aspects are already familiar to me.

You could answer one question, though. How can I post something to a community that will appear in my blog. Is that possible? Or do I always have to post it twice? That would be interesting.

I started using the Internet a lot like in 1998 on Yahoo Chat and then AOL Chat Rooms and it was interesting.

I was too young these days. But i remember playing Age of Empires when i was a little boy in 1999. My Internet journey started a few years later.