Mi Infancia ( My Childhood)

I grew up in a Catholic family; My father died when I was 3 years old and my mother faced alone the challenge of raising 5 children. The Serie "Mi Infancia" is a personal vision and express my reunion with lost and forgotten emotions of my childhood.

"When I was a baby" 12x18

I was born in Venezuela in a beautiful family surrounded by strong examples of temperance, resilience, caring and love. I can assure that my live as a baby was plenty of happiness and peace. "When I was a baby" Is a representation of the happiness and peaceful of my babyhood. No troubles and no emotional pains , no paradigms and intrusive external models to deform the pureness of my mind.

"Memory of my Childhood" 12x16

My Dad died tragically in a Earthquake in Caracas and my Mom became a widow in her 30’s with 5 kids. I am the fourth of them. My Brother was too old to play with me and my younger sister was too young to play with her, so, I learned how to play alone. In my loneliness I used to create imaginary worlds where I was, of course, the hero . In those worlds I could be a sailor or an artist. I learned how to read in a very early age and I was an eager reader. When I read a book I traveled to the story and became in a curious Explorer and a furious Conquer. "Memory of my Childhood" shows myself exploring one of those worlds.

"Playground" 16x20

​Being a lonely kid I became an aloof boy. When we went to parks and public places to play I used to stay away of the other kids and play my games with my imaginary friends. "Playground" is my vision, from the farest corner of the park, of the other kids play around.

(This piece is nominee to the Emerging Toronto Artist Award (ETA Awards) in the category of Innovation. )

"Faces in her Lullaby" 16x24

After my Dad passed away, my Mom had to work very hard to raise 5 kids by herself alone. She used to have 2 jobs and very often take extra work to do it at home until late hours at night. Despite of that, she always had time to give us love and tender care. When we were sick or sad My mom used to comfort us telling us a story or singing us a sweet song; but, I could always perceive her loneliness. "Faces in her Lullaby" is my way to express all the sad faces I could see in her Lullaby

"Hide and Seek at night" 16x12

​During the day I created imaginary worlds where I was the explorer and conquer . But At night, I had to fight in my dreams with the monsters and villains belong to those worlds. "Hide and Seek at night" shows myself trying to hide from my seekers.

"My Guardian Angel" 16x24

Growing up with Catholics beliefs and values, Angels are part important in my life. I had to hide in dreams from the monsters and villains of my imaginary worlds but I never was afraid of them because I knew My Guardian Angel was always protecting me.

Alex Scovino