Hi I'm new (: (There's a BTS fanart of Kim Taehyung in this post if you're interested ;p)

Hello there!

My name is Marianne, I'm 16 and I live in Montreal. I grew up in a smaller town near Ottawa and all I have to say is that I'm very glad to be in a big city now ;)

My first language is French. My parents are bilingual and the Internet exists so now I speak English but y'know, not as well as I do french ;p

My mom and my brother got Steemit accounts around a month ago and I was just too lazy to follow, but now here I am :D I got approved in less than a day though, which surprised me since it took them both around a week. I guess I'm just lucky :p I ended up making an account mainly because I wanted another platform on which I could expose my art. I like painting a lot, especially with acrylics, but I work with pencils, markers, watercolors and colored pencils as well. I also go digital sometimes, but not as often because I feel like I'm not as good on there x) I mainly do portraits or landscapes, and by portraits I mean a mix between random girls I invent or Bts fanarts. Definitely stay tuned for more art from me since this is not the last piece you'll see ;) You can also follow me @artsdfhellow on instagram as I will post everything there as well :) (Here is a pencil drawing of Taehyung I did a while ago... He's the one I draw the best, all others I have a super hard time getting their proportions right :O)

[Yup, I'm an Army, fight me xD

I guess it's quite an important part of me?? Armys took over the Internet recently, and I've been one for about a year and a half now. (For those who don't know, Bts is a korean boyband and "Army" is the name of the fandom.) I know bts is also a currency, I won't make drawings of virtual money I promise ;p]

I'd describe my art style as realistic?? I try to make it as accurate as I can but I still have a lot of improvement to make :p I've been drawing for about 3-4 years now, which isn't that long so I'm hoping to get better with practice, which I probably will considering the fact that when I started drawing I was absolutely HORRIBLE x).

On another note, I also like to take pictures so I figured I would put them out here too :) Here are some random but pretty flowers, for your enjoyment:

But most of all I kind of always wanted a blog to write about whatever goes through my mind, and I thought Steemit would be a good place to try it out!

That's it for my introduction, thanks for sticking around and reading it all :PP


Welcome to steemit :D

Have a nice day.

It's nice to meet you @asdfhellow! Welcome to Steemit, hope you enjoy it here!

Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you

Welcome! I know I commented on your other one but this one is great. I didn't know you were a fellow Canadian. I grew up and spent most of my life in Ontario. Anyways, Welcome!

Haha go canada :p I've always lived in Quebec but I love Ontario 😊😊


Well thank you ;)) <3

Welcome 👍

Good start on esteem 😉

Welcome to steemit, fellow K-popper, Army, Blink! 😊

Thank you so much 😊😊😊

Nice Personality
Welcome to Steemit Family
I wish You enjoy in this Community
Thanks For Join

Thank you haha 😊

Welcome! You are a talented artist. Are you hoping to study it further, or pursue it as a career?

Thank you ;o; I don't think I'm talented enough to do so.. It's not in my plans but we never know :)

Welcome to steemit @asdfhellow., Keep working well, hopefully in steemit we know each other, to add friends from different parts of the country .. I am so glad you join here, I feel have a friend again, hopefully in this steemit we support each other With the best work we have, best regards @rerycore.

Welcome to Steemit! If you have questions - ask me @dobroman

Thank you, noted :)

Thanks for introducing yourself on Steemit. What kind of topics do you mostly write about?
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Welcome to Steemit! I wish you a good day and inspiration to create in our community! Please follow me :) and upvote all my post and i do the same.
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You're welcome to steemit . I wish you all the very best my friend. I hope you'll enjoy steemit as time goes on. I'll support you by following you. Feel free to follow me back if you want

Welcome to this platform. We wish a lot of things that you want here. I am Reza from Aceh, Sumatra wants to meet you. Please follow me on @elhakimi and I will give the vote to you. Thank you..

Hello Marianne, welcome to Steemit family and our ever-growing platform. You have made a great decision by joining us and helping us to create decentralized entity that will change the way social media and other business models work in the future. I would like to help you out in your early days by using my steem power to upvote your first few posts. Simply follow my account and tag me by @czechglobalhosts in your posts and I will make sure to read your post and upvote you! Good luck and steem on! Tomas
Also check out this video that will help you to understand more about Steem and Steem Power! It worked out for me in my early days!

Welcome on Steemit Marianne! I'm from Drummondville! I love your drawing! Have fun!

Love it, young and talented !!

Thanks <

Welcome to steemit!

Thank you :)

Nice! I saw your fresh account so I'd like to offer you my welcome. Have an upvote and full steem ahead!
As you only recently joined the steemit community it can be hard to recieve lots of upvotes so you could give Steemfollower a go. This exchange lets you earn up to 5x more steem than just upvoting by yourself! It's a simple and safe vote exchange that is free to use. I compiled this post to explain the system in more depth and it has become my most upvoted post yet.

welcome to steemit. hope you enjoy it here. nice post, this platform will let you express yourself freely and learn a lot of things. upvoted and followed. follow me back and check out my post. :)

A new Steemian :-) hello @asdfhellow you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Hello welcome to steemit!
I already follow, upvoted and reestem you, please do the same with me so we can grow together, i´m new too and i will like grow and earn a lot of profits as well...