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RE: the elusive @dirtyhippie

I like the t-shirts, you need to do some pictures showing them. About the tags, and the rules, The FAQ says :Be mindful when choosing tags. If your tags aren’t related to your post, your post may get downvotes for mistagging., But that does not mean you can not use what tags you want, it is just another way to allow others to justify down voting someone when ever they feel like it. But that is okay, your vote is your vote, their vote is their vote, and sometimes people are nice. But the issue with bots, yep, should not be allowed, unless they are financed, and they have a real person to complain to when the bot goes awry.

So I just use #justbecause as my first tag, because it was not being used and no one can bitch moan, cry, nor throw a temper tantrum about my using it. They can do that for all the other tags, then I can at my discretion change the tag, or not on all others. I won't even use the blog tag first because some overly sensitive person may get upset if I post a picture with less than 50 words, then tell me that is not a blog, blogs are words not pictures, waa waa waa.


To me it just boils down to a difference in opinion on whats relevant and what isn't on a particular tag. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. I do enjoy how passionate people are about this platform no matter how they express it. The irony of people breaking the rules to enforce the rules is pretty funny though. Thanks for the tag advise I put up a new post with #tiedye as the first tag. Hope you enjoy.