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RE: Presentation: Greetings Steemit!

How did you get to this publication?

That's a good question. I'll give you my elaborated answer.

Back in the Steemit's good old days (10 months ago) introduction posts were popular to the extent of even being featured in Trending. For various reasons how things have evolved here in the platform, that simply doesn't happen here anymore. So, every now and then I feel obliged to check the 'introduceyourself' tag (that's how I found your introduction) which I've been checking way too infrequently.

The reality is that being new here is hard, if money is what you're after, that is. Hence why I suggest to treat this as not a 'job' in a sense of expecting to have a return for the work you do. However, don't let that be a barrier for working hard and giving out something that you enjoy doing while finding like-minded individuals – that's where I have personally found the biggest value to be.

I've seen a lot of new potential users only to stop posting after a while – even I felt strongly like that when starting. But don't take this as a discourage but rather as a chance to prove your persistency.

Anyway, your writing piqued my interest so I'll be looking what you will come up with in the future :D


Hi @celestal, I loved your answer, it is very true what it says.

I really want to stay here and be constant because I really like this platform, besides I do not see it as a job, for me it is as a means to express what I am, what I feel or what I like.

Thanks for reading and for your advice.

You have just awakened my curiosity so I will go immediately to see your publication.

Greetings and all the best

I really want to stay here and be constant because I really like this platform, besides I do not see it as a job, for me it is as a means to express what I am, what I feel or what I like.

Then you should be good to go :)

Oh, one thing: For some reason Steemit considers rewards under $0.02 as dust which won't get paid to the author. So, no need to waste your vote on comments or posts which are under 2 cents.

Thanks for the information ;)