Hello, I'm Clunky and I like to post fascinating content that is around the internet. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

in #introduceyourself โ€ข 7 years ago

What's up Steemians! I'm Clunky, and I like to post content that I find interesting around the web. I've been introduced to this site by someone who's fairly new here as well, Jerry Banfield. I've been following Jerry's content for about 2 years now and I'm very grateful that he referred me to this awesome site.ย 

I decided to introduce myself now so you can see what type of content I like to post. I've done 11 posts so far, which I'll link down below. Thank you all for stopping by and if you do like my content, make sure to hit that follow button.ย 



PS. Here's some of the posts I've published.ย 

Post 1. Be careful who you ask for help on the internet.

Post 2. This artist creates miniature studio sets to create "Outdoor" photos.

Post 3. This action figure collector turns his toys into hilarious Instagram posts.

ย Post 4. This beautiful Egg-Shaped structure is actually a solar powered sauna!

Sort: ย 

Wellcome to the community!

Welcome to family :)

Welcome to the community!

A big warm Steemit welcome goes out to you Clunky!

Upvoted and High Pawed! :-D



Welcome to Steem @clunky I have sent you a tip

Thank you so much, followed :)

Very nice and interesting try to see mine page maybe will be interesting for you :) I followed you with happy to see more!!!!
See this, if it is not beautiful i'll like youre every posts.

Great, I'll follow you back! :)


ย Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here itโ€™s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck Iโ€™m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same.ย 

ย CHECK >>>TIPS-MY FIRST WEEK ON STEEMIT- https://steemit.com/steemit/@tinashe/tips-my-first-week-on-steemit
*Thank you*

Thank you :)

Welcome on board :)

Glad to be here, Thanks!

Welcome to the community! Follow me at https://steemit.com/@bitgeek

Welcome @clunky to Steemit. You have joined at a great time. Please follow me @chiminh

Welcome @clunky to Steemit. Will be keeping an eye out on your posts. Have fun! Please follow me @hoaha