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RE: Hello Steemers! I am Seth and I have some good news to share.

I have read the bible and The Origin Of The Species and a slow gradation of organisms over an achingly long time, as opposed to a snake, talking to white people in a garden (somehow behind the omnipresent god's back); much more plausible.

So if you need correction, read the Origin Of The Species; which by the way, the church fully accepted at the time. They tried to weave their own racism into it, by saying that Man descended from 8 different progenitors; this helped them reconcile slavery, by saying when he said "all men equal", he meant all caucasian men.

From the videos you post it seems like you're pretty deep into it, so I know this is pointless debate; almost as pointless as praying to a being who knows in advance what's going to happen, therefore can't change its mind, unless of course it knew it was going to change its mind. Which would mean, it wasn't changing its mind, just doing what it knew it would do.