Introduce Myself

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)


Hello friends, hello senior people I really admire.
Here I will write my introduction. Let me introduce myself, introduce my name Dipsy Larieemeli, I come from finnish country, my age is 35 years.

I am the first child of 3 siblings, I have 2 sisters, I am the only son of my family.

I am a person who really likes sports, I often spend time in my own fitness center. This is my father's gift to me, I am very happy to receive this place.

Yes, in addition to muscle training, I also have other hobbies, namely the roads out of the country, I've been to asia earlier this year, to Cambodia to be precise, below is my documentation while in Cambodia.



In addition to the overseas roads I also often surround my country that I love very much, I live in tampere.

Tampere is a very beautiful place, so beautiful that I can not find it anywhere else, I really like my area, I love tamah water, my birthplace.

I am a bodybuilder, I often spend time to do weight lifting and others.

Currently I am not married, do not ask why, maybe my idol of the heart has not seen until now.

I also wanted to tell a little about how I joined on this steemit platform.
The story is like this, one of my followers on instagram account says that "the picture you took is very beautiful, really awesome, I like living in it", I reply to the comments by thanking him, I thank you for the compliment . Then he continued his comments, wrote a question to me "do you also play steemit", I immediately replied, "what is steemit?", Then he recomend me to read it on google.

I learned it too, and achieved results like this, at the beginning of my login to steemit akum I feel confused how to write here.
I received a password from steemit about 2 days.
At first I started dizzy, why this password is so complicated 😁

Maybe it's just my introductory writing that may still be less orderly and not as complete as other companions.
I really hope you like what I write here.


See you again.

Yours sincerely @dipsy


Why are you posting the same thing over and over?

welcome to the platform. i love Bodybuilding. i enjoyed your post .

Selamat bergabung di steemit kawan, semoga di steemit ini kita bisa saling mendukung, salam dari saya @iqbal-pase, berasal dari lhokseumawe, Aceh. Saya juga pemula disini, mohon dukunganya di postingan pertama saya nanti #introduceyourself. Semoga sukses kawan semua

Congratulations to join in steemit friend, hopefully in this steemit we can support each other, greetings from me @iqbal-pase, coming from lhokseumawe, Aceh. I am also a beginner here, please support it in my first post #introduceyourself. Good luck to all friends

welcome to steemit @dispy, best regards!
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

Welcome to Steemit @dipsy. The platform can certainly be confusing at the beginning but persist with it. This is a fantastic community and you'll grow very quickly here.

Welcome to Steemit

Welcome to steemit man :)