Would you like Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip with your flag?

in #introduceyourselflast year (edited)



My name is @flagsandwich and I'm the latest spam fighter on the block, here to flag all the AI copypasta I can sink my tasty little loaves into. So if you're planning on evading me, I'd be careful not to leave a sticky breadcrumb trail behind.

Don't let my sweet sourdough face fool ya, I do have a bite beneath these buns too. Uncovering my "layers of protection" so thick will reveal tomatoes all but turned albino as they haven't seen the salad dressing to redden their complexion. In other words, you don't want to mess with this sandwich because it bites back.

One condiment door closes and another opens!

What does that mean? Now that @hive.defender is shut down there is room for @flagsandwich to make some bread for the hive reward pool, thank you HELIOS for flag decentralization!

O.K. All silliness aside I have taken it upon myself to fight spam, plagiarism, AI abuse, overpaid posts, and even grammatical errors as I see fit. If I see a post violating any of the rules stated above, and not following the ethical guidelines pertaining to the use of AI, I will send a flag from the public helios voter portal here.

How can you help?

Simple... If you see a post that you think might be doing something wrong, please report it to the HELIOS Discord report-post-abuse channel.

As for the question in the title, would you like Mayonnaise or Miracle Whip with your flag, the answer should be neither!


Oh this is very nice. Hope your journey into Hive is amazing.

Welcome @flagsandwich looks like you need some $WINE to go with that dry bread! lol

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overpaid posts, and even grammatical errors as I see fit.

What's an overpaid post? and do underpaid posts exists, what do underpaid posts look like?
What are your qualifications to correct people's grammur onleyn, do u liek hav3 zE online PhD in literature 0r use grammarlie app to be sure?

We're talking about the English grammar here? so non-English language posts get a p4s5? will yu cur3 non-English posts for their grammar 2?

What is Ai abuse?

If I see a post violating any of the rules stated above

Who made the rules?

and why does @helios.voter delegate to an account that's been flagged by @spaminator here?

I know how to spot grammar mistakes myself, it's easy, and can always double-check with Grammarly. This is a writing community, grammar errors make it look like crap. If users expect to make money posting, then they should follow the same rules university students do. We dealt with grammar throughout high school and college, you don't make it through unless your grammar is perfect.

As soon as non-English users translate over to English, then they should do their due diligence to make sure the text is coherent. Let's get this clear, I'm not going to flag a user for making a few little silly grammatical errors, but if the whole post is not readable then I may send a flag. There are acceptable grammar mistakes, and then there are the unacceptable ones, and I'm fed up with seeing them in the hive. If a flag can get through to them in the error of their ways, I'm helping them.

As for AI I will use three detectors and if they come up using it over 50%, then it is more than just paraphrasing so quite possible that could be considered ai abuse.

This is one of the dumbest things I have seen lately.

That's a compliment in @flagsandwich's book.

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