This is me <3

Hello All

My name is Danyl, you can call me Danny. Let's see here, what about me can I say... I suppose I should start with why I am here, well honestly because I know nothing about crypto and I want to try something new. Also, It seems fun and it feels like a breath of fresh air compared to typical social platforms.

Dungeons & Dragons

I love to play Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition (otherwise known as DND), this is the edition I started with so it will always hold a special place in my heart. DnD has been a part of my life for the past 5 years #foreverDM .

When I started it was a rough ride I had no one around to teach me and no community of anyone who played, luckily I was able to find some amazing people on the internet to teach me and the rest is history, now I play weekly.

Story Writing/Telling

Stories are such a fundamental part of humanity. Stories are the vessel of communication that can transcend time, they are how we can teach, how we can learn, and how we can understand one another.

I began to be truly fascinated by stories probably after the first 2 years of playing DnD, I could begin to appreciate how a story was told as much as the story its self, I could see points of the story that served a specific purpose to the viewer/reader/player. it all became rather exciting and still is.

The Creative Process

Over the years I've developed a love for the creative process. I truly enjoy pushing myself in creative ways, all though I may not be good at most of them, I enjoy learning them just the same.


So that's a little bit about me, or at least that's the stuff I care about most. Currently pursuing streaming and video creation. It's all a bit of a pipe dream, but if you want to come to say hi ill put my links below. I play some DayZ role play and Apex Legends.

I'm still so new to this hive stuff that I feel like I'm overthinking stuff constantly, but only out of love because I want to contribute something valuable, so forgive my stumbling.

Cheers! <3 Love you all!


P.S. Here is a big ole picture of myself <3




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