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RE: Introducing my nomad self in pictures and words


This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!

Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!


Welcome to Steem! Manually curated by futuremind


Thank you so much @helpiecake @helpie and @futuremind!

Let me repeat what I said in that I appreciate that so much!!!

Wow! @futuremind and @helpie thank you soooo(!!!) much for that extremely encouraging description of why you picked me and for the honor to be picked!

I appreciate you, this and your efforts both for me and other newcomers and steemit so much. I will mention your kind encouragement in the post as soon as I have resources enough to edit it, because I now just have enough to answer one or two comments that I really want to answer.

Your helpiecake paid for powering up so I could write this comment and vote up this and other kind welcoming messages. I am thinking of putting some more power over into steem. I will for sure power up a bit and see if I can contribute something to the community that will make me worthy of followers and votes and give me a feeling of contribution to people's well being at the same time.

I don't know if you heard what Oprah says that what every one really has in common from a street kid to presidents and music stars is that they want to know "was that ok/good/understood well/seen/appreciated?" and you sure made me feel like my day making that post was very much so, so big thank you and keep up that good work for others that you appreciate.

I have upvoted some of your things and will go follow you now and when i learned how to safely vote for witness and which password to use and if it's safe even on another domain i will do so too! There is so much I don't understand yet and little time since I'm flying to a new country and to @essen.vicente in a couple of days! :)

See you later, I will check some other articles about the @helpie project and vote because I want more people to be encouraged like i just was.

My resources are low but I'll be back!

Thanks again!!