hey @marcstevens! I'm only somewhat familiar with you and your work, and perhaps you answer this question in your FAQ (if you have one) on your website - Why did you create the NSP - instead of just joining the FSP? (Free State Project in NH, for those not familiar.) I'm guessing you must fundamentally disagree w/ them on at least one of their stances? If so - what are your specific reasons?
Also, you said, "look forward to rational discussion, something I can't seem to get on reddit. " I hear that. Wow. (I mean, if you're looking to bash your head off a concrete wall, just head to r/politics and go against the intellectual grain.) But, that said - I'm guessing you've been to r/libertarian and r/anarcho_capitalism? Are people there not even that receptive to you - or are you finding it a bit too much of an echo chamber?
Anyway - happy to see you here! Welcome!
Thanks, I used No State Project for the name of the radio show because I didn't plan on doing a show, I was offered the opportunity out of the blue and needed a name, so that's what initially hit me. I thought "Free State" was a contradiction, so I was already considered the "no state guy" by other radio show hosts, so it just fit. I never joined because I do disagree with using the political process and I didn't want to move back to the North East. I grew up on Long Island, I'm never living in the North East again. I like living in the Phoenix area, the sun comes out.
I'm also not one for joining organizations anyway. Also, you got it, most of my experience was with anarcho-cap on reddit. Wow, they just come off as angry republicans. Some were receptive, but overall it is awful there. They use the same stupid logical fallacies as politicians and completely ignore the evidence I post. I post evidence where a drug charge is kicked out and they still claim "It doesn't work."
Glad you're on here, Marc! Love your show! Strongly disagree with you about political relinquishment! Strongly agree with you about everything else political (so far), except veganism (if you consider that political). I don't hold really strong opinions on veganism. I'm in Kurzweil's camp on that one, so it's a mix of agreement and disagreement, while favoring a near-term trend toward lab-grown meat that doesn't suffer. Also favor eating "as low on the food chain as is comfortable." Then again, if Americans don't need cows, cows might go extinct, because Americans have a tendency to be "as ignorant as possible, given the life-or-death constraints," and tend to displace what they do not use.
that was my drug charge. how can they not see that as evidence when the judge dismissed the case because of YOUR motion YOU wrote lol.... derpy...
Just guessing here but if the FSP still intends to forcefully tax people or assume any other right that a mere mortal doesn't have or would be considered a criminal for doing, then it's not that different to all the other states that violate the basic concept of self-ownership.