Staking Out My Corner of the Hive


Hi everyone. I'm Kara and I'm very new here on the Hive. Thanks to @shadowspub and Alessandra in the Creative Work Hour community for urging me to take this leap. I'm a newly minted small business owner running my own consulting and creative problem solving business - Monarch Strategies LLC. I am also working on launching my first personal online course - Charting Your Course. The course will be a cohort based experience focused on defining success and building a toolset for enhancing your time, treasure, and talent to reach your definition of success. I plan to launch in May 2022.


My Writing History

I've been blogging for over a decade. I love writing and am very comfortable sharing in public in this way. In the last year or two, I've also been working on YouTube and other video platforms. I primarily write today on Medium and do maintain a personal website at

Some other interesting facts about me


I am a dog mom to a miniature double doodle (combo of goldendoodle/labradoodle) named Kona. Kona is the Chief PAW (Chief of Peace and Wellness) with Monarch Strategies LLC. He keeps me moving. Together we do hospice volunteer pet enrichment visits as we work towards becoming a fully registered therapy team so we can participate in work together at our local library and schools as well as children's hospitals and other organizations that work specifically with one therapy organization in our hometown.

I'm deeply interested in a LOT of things. I love cooking, traveling, dogs, personal knowledge management, journaling, reading, and much, much more. I really look forward to learning and continuing to grow here on the Hive.


Hey Kara! Nice to meet you & thanks for swinging by my post. Your handle & profile pic got my attention, which is why I'm now swinging by yours, only to find you're friends with @shadowspub - wicked cool! Glad you made the leap, and with your interests, you're definitely going to find lots of ways to grow on Hive.

I see my friend (and fellow Love Sniper team member) @fionasfavourites already dropped some newbie info, and I'm sure you're feeling pretty overwhelmed with all of this blockchain stuff (I've been here since September 2017 and I still get, so I won't drop a bunch of additional resources (especially as I'm sure Shadows has all of that covered). However, if you ever have any questions, please feel free to tag me & I'll do my best to help you find the answer!

Hi Traci - thanks so much for your kindness and welcoming me to the Blockchain. There is absolutely so much to learn and I'm finding it all overwhelming - you're quite right. I will absolutely hit you up if I have questions. Shadows has been great and I'm getting settled into a couple of discord servers that seem to be valuable in helping newbies like me too. I do have one questions off the bat - I think communities are and important part of hive. What are your favorite communities and why?

Welcome to the Hive community @iwannabeme!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, Keychain, Peaklock, and Hivesigner,
  3. The master password and the owner key are only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. Do not open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hivians available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!

very much appreciate the invitation. I'm getting settled in and comfortable in Terminal discord.

Welcome to the HIVE!

welcome to hive!!! :)

Welcome to hive
Trust me, you will enjoy your stay here
Have a lovely day

Welcome to Hive! You will have a great time here! :)

Welcome to Hive!

Thank you so much!

Hi @iwannabeme welcome to Hive.

This post has been selected to be curated by hive learners community. Hive Learners is a community where we teach people about all they need to know about Hive.

Kindly click on the link below to visit our community and check out our discord channel.


Thank you - I've joined several new discords since I joined Hive. So much to learn!

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Very nice introduction @iwannabeme .. I love the logo you've chosen for your course, clean, simple with that touch of colour with the monarch butterfly. You may want to use it for your account avatar here?

Great to see you jump right in and start posting.

Great tip - didn't even think about an avatar until you said that. You're always teaching!

Welcome to Hive Kara! Glad to see you here. Sounds like you'll fit in amazingly well. If you have any questions about the platform or blockchain feel free to reach out.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @stayten on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Hi dog mum Kara great to meet you I am dog mum Britt. I have a team to! Two Gordon’s and they are the cutest. Great you came and I see some of the older hivers came by and welcomed you, so late to the party I will do the same! Thank you @shadowspub for onboarding always cool when new persons jump the opportunity. So Welcome I wish you good luck with hive blogging and I Will See you around🍀 Your passions and thoughts put into writing and a hive blog is great and fun. Also niches or new ideas are appreciated and if you have questions let us on hive know. There are many hivers that will help if you ask in comments or in discord!
There is so much so all topics will have a place here. The hivinguniverse is so diverse it’s suitable for all of us. See the list of all communities on hive in your front end drop down menu.
We (@ jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day , ( when normal life doesn’t get in the way ) and There is a Discord called The Terminal for newbies and all the answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment.
Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands but also many other hiver bees and have fun here!

And don’t be afraid to ask there is so much that the beginning can be daunting and scary.
But we are nice, complicated but nice.
Theterminal discord invite

There I also mobile app for blogging called Ecency Or join their lovely Ecency discord
Here is the “ steps to take blog” :
Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !

Or this blog


Thanks - I joined the discord last night and am getting settled in there!

Yes I saw that’s great and we will try to help you