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RE: My Introduction of myself and my Passion

Actually it was zionism which has led to the divide in America and throughout the west, your jewish friend lied to you and it probably wasn't the first time either, jews are known to lie frequently in order to destroy western countries and turn them into communist shitholes. Know what they did to the Ukrainians? They starved TEN MILLION of them to death just to break their sense of nationalism. In America through the media they turn whites against blacks and vice versa, and of course they're going to tell you white nationalism is a problem in a white country, they'll never tell you black nationalism is a problem in Africa, or chinese nationalism is a problem in China, or that Japanese nationalism is a problem in Japan, or indeed that Israeli nationalism is a problem in Israel.
Your jewish friend won't point out the fact that Israelis literally paid black people to "go back to Africa", they have walls, and DNA test you before you can live there too in order to ensure that you have jewish lineage, when we in the west want the same national protection we get called racists.
The jew is the greatest enemy to every other person on earth even though they come off as innocent victims.