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RE: Introducing... DiaryOfAFreeSpirit :)

Hello @bristena94, welcome to Steemit!

I'm very looking forward to your articles, as we seem to like the similar topics.

I'm especially curious about what you have to say about self-love, as I could kinda use some lessons about it - I was shy and introverted, and remained shy and introverted, lol. The "21 Days Face Your Fear Challenge" sound like fun and useful, too.

Cheers, I've followed you! : )

P.S. Your picture from your fairy days is awesome.

P.S.2. I love dancing too, I'm into the Argentinian tango, I'm dancing it almost every day now.


Hello @lifenbeauty, thanks for your lovely comment and for following me, I really appreciate it! Hehe, I never danced tango, I'm more into contemporary freestyle dance.. but always open to explore the whole spectrum of possibilities hehe :) yes, self-love is the key to enlightenment, some say.. it's a lot to say about it now, and I cannot do it justice in a few sentencens, if I manage to coonvey even a tiny fraction of the essence of it through the lens of my own experience and the medium of writing, I will be happy, and if you will resonate and it will give you food for thought, I will be infinitely more happy.. and hope you will gain some insights from FYF Challenge as well.. stay in touch! Cheers :)