Good day Steemians

I am really happy to be finally here - on steemit - A place filled with knowledge, a place I can share my thoughts, ideas, learn from people while they learn from me as well and still be rewarded for my little efforts.
I was so happy when I found out about steemit through the recruitment scheme of @euronation led by @eurogee, @smyle, @sweetestglo-eu, @bob-elr, @drigweeu, @dray91eu, @edith4angelseu, @jeaniepearl and adoore-eu. Thanks for showing me this great opportunity.

Who am I?
I am Ajisafe Oyinkansolami by name, my friends just call me miss oyin which I just decided to spell mhizoyin. I am a native of Kwara state I'm Nigeria, precisely from offa local government area. I am a mathematician, an economist, an educator ➕ a fashion designer. As such, impacting knowledge through writing is just what I love doing.

Therefore, I am here to put some of the values I have learnt into writing to help us all grow and become better than we were yesterday. As knowledge is gained through experience and experience isn't only what happens to you but also what happens to others around you, what you've seen around you, read in a book,or something you've been told and has been confirmed by you. Because learning through any of this grooms you and help you in making better choices in life.

Growing up

Growing up wasn't easy for me, because I lost my dad while I was an infant, while my mum died when I was barely 7 years of age. Life wasn't bed of roses but it sure wasn't full of thorns. I learnt early enough that "if life doesn't give you what you want, make the best out of what life has gone you". God loves me so much and as such surrounded me by people who love me and took me as their own. And I found love on the long run, he is too amazing and has been a great force in my life. IMG_20171205_205647_119.jpg

My skills

I am a fashion designer and a PRO in crypto trading.

My mission here

To impact knowledge and add values to the steemit society and learn and gain from it as well.

Thanks for accepting me into this community, God bless us all. Amen


You're welcome @mhizoyin. Let the sky be your beginning. Better days ahead.

Thanks , looking forward to those better days as I unleash values into the society

Great welcome to u. Feel free to enjoy alot that is community have to offer. Follow me lets keep in touch as we grow together

You are most welcome

Hey @mhizoyin Welcome to Steemit.
Check my blog @mirkmarvel there you will also find a small beginner guide.

Thanks, I'll definitely check it out.

Welcome to Steem! Ill follow you. Its a great platform to post and also read other posts! so much great info on here! If you want you can follow me back and check out some of my posts.

Welcome to the Steem World!
I have recently made an orientation video that will help you in your journey here - and will hopefully answer all the questions that took me months to figure out.

I wish you all the best here on Steem!

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Welcome on steemit!

You are highly welcome to steemit, wishing you a long and great stay.

Welcome to steemit dear

Welcome to steemit planet


Welcome to the great steemit family... I am very sure you are going to have a very wonderful experience here.....welcome onboard and keep steeming.

Wekom to midst of achievers.

Welcome mam. I wish your best in your life. Welcome to this great opportunity. Your story touched me deeply. I have one message for you: Live your best and be the best you can be and always seek assistance from God.