
BanLogoSpinning BANANO is now on CoinEx CoinEx Exchange (+2 Million BAN Airdrop) BanLogoSpinning

Today, BANANO has been listed at CoinEx Exchange with USDT and BTC pairs, which is BANANO’s biggest exchange listing so far! This includes a 2 Million BAN listing campaign, details here:

Happy trading! MonkeyRocket
Again, please be mindful and cautious when using exchanges. Never leave funds on exchanges unless you’re trading. Not your keys, not your coins tanoeyes


You can only go up from here! How high is up to you.

Welcome monachta!
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OMG, so many exchanges... Binance, Bitfinex, Bitfront, Bittrex, Blocktrades, Beaxy, Bitsonic, Coinbase, CoinDCX, Cryptex24, DigiFinex, GateIO, HBTC, Hotbit, Huobi, Ionomy, Kracken, KuKoins, MCX, OKcoin, Probit, Sequoir, SwapSpace, SwapZone, Upbit, Uniswap, WazirX, and a few hundred others... and now another one named CoinEx...?!?!? There are too many! 😱

There are many more

Hi Monachita!!

Glad you could make it here, you work so hard yet it's difficult to get ahead, maybe now that you are finding more friends than Kerris and myself, you will earn more and be able to dig out of the hole in Venezuela 🇻🇪

Thanks, I hope so too

Hello, @monachta! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Well, you can explore the communities that suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program

Have a great day!